So, if you have or know people that have an Android device and a tesla, you can recommend them to purchase the app and try it out for themselves. Well, it’s fair enough for the app to be paid as the developer is working hard to get the best out of what can be used on a Tesla. There could be a few issues, glitches, and some lag when using Google Maps on the browser of your Tesla. So, yes you can run Android Auto on a Tesla, but not natively. But for now, it’s in a test phase and should work for most people.

The developer does need to see things function and then slowly might even ad features. You shouldn’t expect more features in the first release of the app.

It lets you adjust the DPI and resolution of the output on the Tesla’s display. JNo comments 2 minute read Bridie Schmidt Source: TeslaAndroid/mikegapinski Tesla electric cars may offer some of the most advanced automotive features, but there is one missing feature that sticks out for many customers: the integration of Apple CarPlay and Android Auto.

With the Tesla connected to the Internet, open up the browser on your infotainment display.Make sure to pair the tesla and your Android device and have them connected.Next, enable Bluetooth on your phone as well as your tesla.Your tesla should be connected to the Wi-Fi Hotspot to access the Internet.

First of all, turn the hotspot of your Android device on.Multi-touch will most probably won't be supported.Web-browser does not have access to the mic, this means a challenge, for "OK Google" and voice commands, need to do further investigation on how to go around this.Need to check if I can tap into the cars GPS.It does work while driving :) (but I cannot film and drive and do all of them at the same time).this is just the very first mock up so I still need to do plenty of work, to make it scale properly and fix other issues.OK, this is very very early stage, and I'm not sure how will development go because I'm pretty much overloaded with AAWireless at the moment, but this is happening :)